

My name is Amber Alesawy an I am an Egyptian-American photographer and filmmaker based in NYC. I graduated from NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study where I studied environmental and anthropological filmmaking. Post graduation I have worked with Bronx Documentary Center under a fellowship developing several projects that capture the unique cultural and environmental aspects of NYC. Specifically, I produced a film on the environmental injustice occurring in the South Bronx- also known as Asthma Alley. As well, I am developing a film that showcases NYC nightlife and its relevance/impact on social culture and social media. Lastly, I am an experienced production assistant for both television and photography. I have assisted nightlife and wedding photographer Sasha Bianca on several wedding and studio shoots; and I am currently a booking production assistant for NBCUniversal’s “The KARAMO Show”.

Specific production skills sets I carry include sound mixing, boom and camera operating, producing, and editing (primarily via Premiere Pro, AVID, AfterEffects, and ProTools). I am always looking to meet creatives and collaborate so please feel free to reach out!




Instagram @amboury